Tuesday 18 June 2013

Web image formats

  Project draft


  For this task, we are required to create a collage representing living in an eco-friendly manner.
  We are also meant to detirmine what image format for the web results in better quality.

  We were required do create a draft for our environment collage.
  All 10 of my pictures plus a little text or heading would be included.
  One photo would be within the background with an opacity or overlay gradient.



  Grid screen capture


   Here is a screen grab with the grid I used like in my draft, placing everything dead centre and even.


  Design rationale and best image format



   I chose for the best image format that maintains image quality, the PNG file.
   It's file size was larger (11MB compared to the JPEG of 1MB)

   The JPEG would be the best option if the intent was for the image to be uploaded faster. 
   And recognised by any browser as it is commonly used.

   However in image quality, the PNG format file is designed to be a good for web graphics 
   (and was meant to replace the GIF format)

   To sum up, really depending on what is best (image quality or for accessibility) my answer differs!

  Design rationale

  My ten images included elements of how my family lives in an eco friendly way.

  My background image includes trees. We own a forest and my father plants trees regularly.

  (heading down from left to right)

  • I have an image of some tomatoes in our veggie garden, we sometimes grow our own food.
  • There is an image of a water filter.
  • Recycling bins
  • Clothes line
  • Small car
  • Chickens
  • A green bag for shopping
  • Compost bin
  • Eco friendly lights

  These are all small things in which I feel we live in an eco friendly way.



  1. I've been meaning to let you know that I really like your eco-friendly grid effort. Chris was very critical of the layout on my effort and rightly so. I need to re-submit, but haven't as yet. I've been a bit stumped on how to re-approach it, so I had a look at Steve, Fran and Adam's blog, then I got to your blog - quick roll of the eyes, little nod of the head, well played Joanne!!


    1. Hi Craige! Haha, I'm actually a bit embarrassed about my grid layouts! I don't think Chris has given me feedback on this one yet, so I'm not sure what his opinion is :)

      I like your collage! Looking forward to seeing the resubmission :) I have a few things to re-submit too, it really helps seeing what other people have done! I still need to do the digital photography assessments, oh dear.
