Monday 11 November 2013

Writing Assessment 2

Summarize a Podcast

For this assessment, I have chosen a 6 minute Podcast on effective tips for communicating.

Podcast by Lisa B. Marshall

Sunday 3 November 2013

Digital assessment 1

Populating a Web Page Wireframe 

















Tuesday 1 October 2013

Heaven and Earth mindmap


My mind map contains information related to a poster project I'm working on for a show in Hobart.
I started off by reading the shows synopsis and script, looking for keywords, what it's all about, the emotions it's meant to give you and what design elements can reflect those feelings.

By getting as much information as I can and forming it into a mindmap, it makes it easier to narrow down some concepts and vision an advertising look.

Saturday 31 August 2013

Writing | Learning Task | Designing Questions

Learning Task 1: Obtaining Information using Fishing & Shooting Questions.

My chosen service/business is being a freelance graphic designer who specialises in logo design.

As a process to get information off my clients to gain a better understanding of their needs, I have compiled a list of ten questions to ask them so I can write up my design brief.

Here are my shooting (yes or no/basic answer) questions

1) Do you have any existing material the design should be based on? Yes/no

·      2) Do you need the final product to be in a format that you can edit or update? Yes/no

·      3) Will the final product design be used externally? Yes/no

·      4) Will you need extra branding development? – (Eg business card, stationary)  Yes/no

·      5) Do you need the final product to be in both print and electronic format? Yes/no


My fishing (expanded answers) questions

·     6) What do you want your logo style to be? Eg – Modern, arty, basic etc

·     7) What are your goals in your business? – Dreams, ideas, where do you want to be?

·     8) Preferred colours or fonts that relate to your business?

·     9) Describe your business, what are the companies values? – Logo’s message.

·   10) What is your target audience? – Male, female, age bracket.